
Optimization of Financial Resources

ICT companies often face financial challenges to invest in research and development. The Law of Good allows these companies to optimize their financial resources, directing strategic investments to RD&I projects and, at the same time, reducing the tax burden.

Sustainability and Long-Term Growth

Investing in innovation through the Law of Good not only benefits companies in the short term, but also puts them in a strategic position for long-term growth. The solutions developed today can become the basis for future expansions and technological advances.

The Law of Good offers the opportunity to align the innovation objectives of ICT companies with their tax interests. This encourages the formulation of cohesive strategies, which drive both research and development and sustainable business growth.

Strategic Alignment

The Law of Good is not only about tax benefits, but also about fostering a culture of innovation. ICT companies can take advantage of this opportunity to promote a mindset focused on research, development and the constant search for innovative technological solutions.

Promotion of Culture and Innovation