Code of Ethics

1. Introduction

Wyss is committed to conducting its business to the highest ethical and moral standards. This Code of Ethics highlights the fundamental principles that guide our conduct and reflects our commitment to ethical excellence in all interactions.

2. Honesty and Integrity

Wyss values honesty and integrity in all commercial activities. We require our employees to act with honesty, transparency and integrity in all business transactions, communications and relationships with customers, suppliers and co-workers.

Wyss provides a specific channel for reports in an anonymous, secure and independent way - make your report using the form available in the "contact" tab.

3. Conflict of Interest

We avoid conflicts of interest and take proactive measures to identify and manage any situation that may compromise our objectivity or impartiality. Wyss employees must disclose any personal or financial interest that may affect their ability to make impartial decisions.

4. Respect and Diversity

Wyss values diversity and promotes an inclusive and respectful environment. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment or disrespectful treatment based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic origin or any other protected characteristic.

5. Legal Compliance

We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations in all jurisdictions in which we operate. We maintain a work environment that promotes respect for tax, environmental and competition laws, among others.

6. Confidentiality and Privacy

We respect the confidentiality of the information of customers, employees and business partners. We guarantee the protection and responsible handling of confidential and private information in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

7. Tax Incentives and Law of Good

The Wyss Brazil Institute operates in the area of business consulting for tax incentives and Law of the Good with full transparency and in accordance with ethical and legal standards. We always seek to maximize the tax benefits of our customers within the ethical and legal limits.

8. Ethics Channel

Wyss maintains an Ethics Channel accessible through the email so that employees, customers and other interested parties can report ethical concerns or issues related to this code in a confidential manner.

9. Social and Environmental Responsibility

We are committed to contributing positively to society and the environment. We seek opportunities to positively impact the communities in which we operate, adopting socially responsible and environmentally sustainable business practices.

This Code of Ethics is a guide to ethical and moral conduct at the Wyss Brazil Institute. All employees, partners and stakeholders are urged to adhere to these fundamental principles to maintain the integrity and reputation of the company.